About Us
Kindness in Action
When caring people join together, roll up their sleeves and take action to make their community better, it’s a beautiful thing—and an incredible feeling for everyone involved. That’s Maple Grove Lions. Being a Lion is about leading by example, building relationships and improving the world through kindness.
The Maple Grove Lions support the activities of Lions International. We also actively work within the Maple Grove area donating money and time to make it a better place to live and work in. Check out our events to learn more.

History of Maple Grove Lions
Reaffirming Fellowship through Membership
The Maple Grove Lions Club was chartered in 1963, and is a member of Lions International, a service organization with more than 1.4 million members in 43,000 clubs in over 185 countries. Lions is the largest service organization in the world!
The Lions club meet in multiple establishments throughout Maple Grove but Dehn's country Manor has been hosting Maple Grove Lion's Club since the '60s. The Dick Reimer Memorial Scholarship was set up in memory of one of our founding members.